
How to choose your web communication agency in 9 points

The creation of a professional website involves the combination of many areas of expertise to meet several needs in terms of SEO, content writing, design, graphics or marketing.

A good web agency usually combines all these skills. She has a panoramic view of the fields of communication as well as of development, integration and programming techniques.

But how do you choose THE right communication agency for the web? Answer in 9 points.


1 – The agency’s website

For an agency specializing in website creation, the minimum is that his is successful. The websites of the service providers on which you are hesitating to make your choice are therefore perfect barometers for making your choice.

Take the time to browse it, keeping in mind that an agency’s website reflects its development skills. Check the clarity of the presentation, the structuring of the information, the fluidity and ease of navigation.


2 – The agency’s sectors of activity

If the importance of the aesthetic aspect of a website is considerable, its functionality and ergonomics are just as important and must be adapted to your market, your products and your targets.

Each profession has its own specificities. The agency you choose must not only know, but understand your industry in order to correctly represent its universe and offer only useful features to your customers.

However, a good agency is also able to adapt to all sectors of activity. She must then combine listening, curiosity and openness when you explain your field of activity to her.


3 – The agency’s references

The missions carried out by an agency and the clients who have trusted it speak for themselves about the quality and seriousness of its services.

For example, check the websites of the clients of the agencies you are courting and see if they are still readable and accessible, if they load quickly and if the user experience on mobile is good.


4 – The agency’s communication

The credibility of the agency is determined before the project starts. At the time of the first contacts, by telephone, e-mail or in physical meeting, all is a question of feeling and feeling.

When faced with a less than articulate provider, there is only one thing to do: run away. A qualified agency does not just approve and execute your every wish. She communicates on her experience, advises and guides her prospects on the right way to go about SEO and ERP interfacing as well as design and e-reputation.


5 – Availability of the agency

The unavailability is a clear indication of a lack of commitment. To optimize production times and avoid delays, an agency must be available for its clients.

Whether the contact is made by email, telephone or during a face-to-face meeting, it does not have to be an obstacle course. Difficult-to-reach contacts may jeopardize the progress of your project.


6 – The location of the agency

It is preferable to choose an agency that can be present at your side. If possible, choose a service provider who is geographically close to you: you can meet with him to discuss the progress of the project and debrief each stage of production.

However, if you have a crush on an agency that is geographically distant, do not hesitate. As long as your service provider is not located on the other side of the world, posing problems of time differences, an agency located several hundred kilometers away from your company will be quite capable of listening to you and moving your project forward.

If you can’t meet in the flesh, emails, Skype or the good old telephone will do.


7 – The agency’s responsiveness

Rome was not built in a day. Neither does your web project. As it progresses, there are always corrections to be made and changes to be made quickly.

Whether it is before the mission, during its design or after the site is online, the agency must be reactive in case of emergency or unforeseen events.


8 – The agency’s technical skills

The creation of a website and e-commerce requires the coordination of several sensitivities: the technicians, the commercials and the creatives.

From the developer to the integrator, including the graphic designer and the art and marketing director… A good web agency must bring together several skills within its team in order to have an overall vision of your project.

Check the extent of its skills and the various services offered.


9 – The price / the size of the agency

It is possible to distinguish three types of agencies according to their size:

The cost of the mission will vary according to the size of the agency. It may be a good calculation, depending on your budget and the complexity of your project, to take into account the weight you will represent as a client towards your provider.


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