E-commerce closer to consumers thanks to the Google Barometer

Understand when, how and why consumers around the world use the Internet in their shopping habits. With its Consumer Barometer, Google provides e-commerce owners and retailers with the keys to better understand their customers and the motivations that drive them in their purchasing journey, from intent to research to conversion.

The latest Google barometer synthesizes the figures of 2015, which should be studied precisely in order to anticipate the 2016 and 2017 trends in terms of e-commerce.


Google Barometer: a tool to put in the hands of all companies

This tool lists and compares data from around 50 countries and 20 product categories (including ready-to-wear, clothing and footwear, household appliances, flights, hotels, cosmetics and food) according to the profile of the Internet user (age, gender, socio-professional category), the type of device used (computer, smartphone, tablet), the frequency of use and the specific activities carried out on each of them (watching videos, local searches, etc.)

The results are materialized in the form of graphs to better capture the intentions of consumers on the Internet. Little by little, thanks to the percentages, curves and other visuals, their online habits take shape.

Mieux connaître les consommateurs et adapter son e-commerce grâce aux graphiques du baromètre Google

It is thus possible to know what they appreciate when buying on an e-commerce, what constitutes a brake on their purchase, how they inform themselves about a product and for what purpose or who influences their purchasing decision… In short, all the of a consumer when he is in front of his screen.

Overall, the basic data provide fairly summary information. However, it is worth recalling them because they are no less fundamental:

  • People who have access to the Internet connect to it at least once a day via many devices: mobile, including smartphones and tablets, and computer.
  • In many cases, smartphones are used at least as often as computers to access the Internet.
  • People use their smartphones for a wide range of daily activities, such as managing their shopping lists or as a memo of what they have to do.
  • The Internet is one of the most important resources for those seeking information about a product before purchasing.
  • The Internet plays a central role in helping consumers become aware of products and offers.


E-commerce habits and online purchases of the French

By getting to the heart of the matter, the Google barometer makes it possible to understand that an e-reputation and SEO under control, an e-commerce provides and proven and a controlled digital communication, although already essential, will gradually become inevitable.

For companies to make sure that Internet users find what they are looking for, a little taste of the detailed report on France:

Les habitudes de consommation sur Internet

The future mobile
The future: 8 out of 10 French people are online at least once a day, especially the under 34s.


Le baromètre Google indique que les consommateurs utilisent de plus en plus Internet pour acheter un produit
In 2016 typical consumer buys online
A large proportion of sales that take place online or offline are the result of a prior online search; 45% of French consumers have used a search engine before a recent purchase.


Les tendances e-commerce 2016 / 2017 tendent vers l'achat mobile

80% use the Internet for personal reasons.
83% of consumers say the Internet is the first place they look for information.


Many consumers prefer to do their research on the Internet before making purchases:

D'après le baromètre de la consommation de Google, en 2015, les consommateurs effectuent des recherchent sur Internet avant d'acheter un produit


Sectors in which consumers do the most research on the Internet :

Les consommateurs recherchent des informations en ligne sur de nombreux produits : vêtement, chaussure, ticket de cinéma, équipement ménager, etc.

La consommation online vue par le baromètre Google


Before buying a product, 51% of consumers use the Internet to compare choices, 37% to ask for advice, 33% to prepare for an immediate purchase and 32% to find inspiration:

L'impact d'internet et e-commerce dans le processus d'achat


To see the rest of the results, download the detailed report: rapport-france-barometre-google

0  commentaire Sarah Laurent, Friday 17 September 2021

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